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Spinors and space-time pdf download

Spinors and space-time by Roger Penrose, Wolfgang Rindler

Spinors and space-time

Spinors and space-time download

Spinors and space-time Roger Penrose, Wolfgang Rindler ebook
Format: djvu
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521337070, 9780521337076
Page: 509

Are spinor wave functions describing e.g. But the local neighborhood around each point still looks like the (3+1)-dimensional spacetime of special relativity, and therefore has a time dimension which behaves differently from the three space dimensions. Download: PDF (138 kB) Buy this article Export: BibTeX or EndNote (RIS). FYI, Roger Penrose tried using complex imaginary twistors to to construct a theory of space-time. References · Citing Articles (3). Electrons, necessarily describing them as massless? Mathematically, this corresponds to the fact that the .. Something to do with the correspondence between spinors and even elements of a Clifford algebra, and somehow needing 4pi radians to complete a rotation. Concretely, consider a space-time of finite volume (because infinities make everything much more complicated), and randomly sprinkle a finite number of points on it. Fuzzy geometry via the spinor bundle, with applications to holographic space-time and matrix theory.

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