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The Millionaire Real Estate Investor. Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, Jay Papasan
ISBN: 0071446370,9780071469531 | 368 pages | 10 Mb

The Millionaire Real Estate Investor Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, Jay Papasan
This is the wild side of real estate investment. Not such a risky business – Investing in Real Estate. #RealLifeMonopoly @JayMrRealEstate. I'm looking to learn more about investing in real estate, and before taking any courses on the side or whatever, I'd like to read a few. Like the day traders who are leagues away from a buy-and-hold investor, the real estate traders are an entirely different breed from the buy-and-rent. One of the most common ways to becoming a millionaire is through real estate investment. Nouveau Riche is a Vocational College that creates Real Estate Investors and Business Owners first through classes on doing deals, and then by facilitating partnerships between students and millionaire real estate investors. Allison did a superb job this morning as my host of the radio show and she spoke of being an investor herself and reccomended this book as a “must read” for every real estate investor. It's a common myth that investing is risky and anyone who plays the game will almost certainly lose their money. Rental homes and investment properties allow So how do real estate investors protect their investments? John Dessauer, President of The Dessauer Group, author of the best-selling book Real Estate H20, self-made multi-millionaire, real estate investor, and Instructor at the Nouveau Riche College. The Millionaire Real Estate Investor offers straightforward strategies and wisdom gleaned from research and interviews with over 120 real life millionaire real estate investors. Based on the New York Times best seller, The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, The Workshop reveals proven and tested models to help you build a Real Estate Investment Portfolio. Jay Morrison from Jay Morrison on Vimeo. Posted on June 29, 2012 by dekker. Take notes because Jay is breaking down the Millionaire Blueprint using real estate investing as a means.
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